For strategic acquirers and financial investors targeting control deals in China, the large overhang of over 7,500 unexited private equity deals presents an unprecedented opportunity. The challenges of executing M&A deals in China remain. But, at no previous time was the environment as favorable to identify and close, at attractive valuations, the acquisition of a profitable, high growth, well-run, larger (+USD$50mn revenues) private business in China.

A New Strategy for M&A, Buyouts & Corporate Acquisitions in China

For strategic acquirers and financial investors targeting control deals in China, the large overhang of over 7,500 unexited private equity deals presents an unprecedented opportunity. The challenges of executing M&A deals in China remain. But, at no previous time was the environment as favorable to identify and close, at attractive valuations, the acquisition of a profitable, high growth, well-run, larger (+USD$50mn revenues) private business in China.

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