

    (In English and Mandarin) The Chinese government has prioritized rural problems in its “Number One Documents” for eight consecutive years (2004-2012), clearly demonstrating the great importance it attaches to the “Three Rural Issues” (agriculture, farmers, and rural areas).
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    Session I, Part 1: Breakthroughs for China’s Three Rural Issues - Mirage or Promised Land?

    Li Guoxiang - Deputy Director, Macroeconomics Research Office of the Rural Development Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Gao Juncai - Director General, Department of Rural Economy, NDRC; Li Hongming - Secretary, CPC Suzhou Municipal Committee; Li Changping - Researcher, China Society of Economic Reform (CSER); Nick Rosa - Managing Director, ContiAsia, Continental Grain Company

    The Chinese government has prioritized rural problems in its “Number One Documents” for eight consecutive years (2004-2012), clearly demonstrating the great importance it attaches to the “Three Rural Issues” (agriculture, farmers, and rural areas). The “Three Rural Issues” are issues concerning the improvement of farmers’ living conditions, industrial development, and social progress.  These issues arise from China’s uncoordinated rural/urban development and, in essence, the long-standing rural/urban dual structure. A breakthrough is needed to overcome the hurdles in traditional policy and system formulation. This session will focus on the policies needed to address and solve the “Three Rural Issues”.


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