Indonesia’s Geographical Statistics
Indonesia’s Geographical Statistics
Indonesia’s Geographical Statistics
Indonesia’s Geographical Statistics
Indonesia’s Geographical StatisticsOfficially called the Republic of Indonesia, this country is an archipelago that consists of around 17,508 islands. With 33 provinces and a total area of 1,904,569 square kilometers, this southeast-Asian nation has over 238 million people within its borders.

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    Indonesia is the largest island country in the world by the number of islands, with more than 14,000. The country has an estimated population of 255 million people, making it the world's 4th most populous country. The Indonesian economy is the world's 16th largest by nominal GDP and 8th largest by GDP/PPP. The country has a variety of agricultural, manufacturing and service industries and is the largest economy in Southeast Asia, and is a member of the G-20 major economies. Despite its large population and densely populated regions, Indonesia has vast areas of wilderness that support the second highest level of biodiversity in the world.


    Indonesia - 2016 Holidays & Observances



    Holiday name

    Holiday type

    Jan 1


    New Year's Day

    Public Holiday

    Feb 8


    Chinese Lunar New Year's Day

    Public Holiday

    Mar 9


    Bali's Day of Silence and Hindu New Year

    Public Holiday

    Mar 20


    March equinox


    Mar 25


    Good Friday

    Public Holiday

    Mar 27


    Easter Sunday


    May 1


    International Labor Day

    Public Holiday

    May 5


    Ascension Day of Jesus Christ

    Public Holiday

    May 6


    Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad

    Public Holiday

    May 22


    Waisak Day (Buddha's Anniversary)

    Public Holiday

    Jun 20


    June Solstice


    Jul 6 - 7


    Joint Holiday After Idul Fitri

    Joint Holiday

    Aug 17


    Indonesian Independence Day

    Public Holiday

    Sep 12


    Muslim Day of Sacrifice (Idul Adha)

    Public Holiday

    Sep 22


    September equinox


    Oct 2


    Muharram/Islamic New Year

    Public Holiday

    Oct 30




    Dec 12


    The Prophet Muhammad's Birthday

    Public Holiday

    Dec 21


    December Solstice


    Dec 24 - 25


    Christmas Eve




    New Year’s Day

    New Year’s Day

    Like many countries, Indonesia is influenced by some of the Western culture. So, New Year’s Day also takes place in Indonesia. On this day, Indonesian people, especially Muslim pray for a good year

    Birth of the Prophet

    Birth of the Prophet

    This is a birthday celebration of Muhammdad, who was a religious leader of Islam. He is believed by Muslim to be a messenger and prophet of God

    Chinese New Year

    Chinese New Year

    There a a lot of Chinese in Indonesia. Thus, they add some of their culture to the whole nation culture, including Chinese New Year

    Day of Silence

    Day of Silence

    Day of Silence, or Nyepi in Indonesia is New Year according to Balinese calendar (an ancient calendar of Indonesian people). Observed from 6 am to 6 am the next morning, its main restrictions are: no lighting, no working and no pleasure, no talking and no eating. The restrictions are made to purify their soul.

    Good Friday

    Good Friday

    Christians celebrate Good Friday to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death. This holiday is not as popular as Nyepi, so there is no change in Indonesian’s daily lives. Shops and offices are still opened

    Ascension Day

    Ascension Day

    Ascension Day is the 40th day of Easter. It occurs 39 days after Easter Sunday. It is a Christian holiday that commemorates Jesus Christ's ascension into heaven according to Christian belief.

    Waisak Day

    Waisak Day

    Waisak (or Vesak) is the holiest day on the Buddhist calendar, and is celebrated across the Buddhist world, but is most spectacular at Java’s Borobudur (Indonesia), the world’s largest Buddhist temple, one of Southeast Asia’s most spectacular sites

    Ascension of the Prophet

    Ascension of the Prophet

    Prophet’s Ascension Day is observed on the 27th day of the month of Rajab, the seventh month in the Islamic calendar. This event marks the night that Allah (God) took Mohammad on a journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and then to heaven.

    Indepence Day

    Indepence Day

    On August 17, 1945, Indonesia declared its independence from Netherlands. Later, this date is oeserved as Indonesia’s Indepence Day

    Day after Ramadan

    Day after Ramadan

    Ramadan is a festival held every year lasting one month. Ramadan's a  festival for Muslims around the world particularly Indonesians. During Ramadan over one billion muslims fast during day light.

    Feast of the Sacrifice

    Feast of the Sacrifice

    This is an importand religious holiday celebrated by Muslim worldwide to honor the willingess of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ismael to God

    Islamic New Year

    Islamic New Year

    The Islamic year lasts for about 354 days and consists of 12 months. Muharram is the first month and some Muslims mark the start of the Islamic year on the first day of Muharram. Many Muslims fast during daylight hours on the ninth and 10th or 10th and 11th days of the month to mark the Day of Ashura. This is the anniversary of the death of Husayn



    Despite being a Muslim country, Christmas is still a popular holiday in Indonesia. This is a good chance for people to relax at the year’s end

    Indo Holidays