Phi NguyenAdvisor & Partner, Asia Media Partners Viet Nam Phi Nguyen holds an MBA from Queensland University (Australia) majoring in marketing communications. Her experience spans over 15 years as a senior executive in brand, retail, and franchise development across global emerging markets, with her latest projects focusing on Asia. As well as her role with Asia Media Partners (Vietnam) she is a Managing Partner for Indochina at World Franchise Associates with a portfolio of over 150 brands to launch in Indochina region. Phi is also aboard advisor at the Chief Marketing Officer Council (CMO), and editor & host of Insight Vietnam, a business interview / talk show on VTV4. |
Robert RocheChairman of the Board, Acorn Robert is a co-founder and the chairman of the board of Acorn, a NASDAQ listed company. President Obama named Robert to the United States Trade Advisory Committee and he is a past Chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai. |
Alex D. FontChairman & President, Opus One Asia Alex Font is the Chairman & President of Opus One Asia a specialist database / telemarketing company headquartered and in Shanghai, China. He’s been active in the direct marketing industry for 20-years and is the former-Chairman of the China Direct Marketing Association and was an advisor on China to the US Direct Marketing Association. |
Dong Dong ChenManaging Director, DDC Marketing (Shanghai) Dong Dong Chen is a Chinese branding, communications and marketing expert who provides consultancy and branding services to both domestic and international companies in mainland China. She has more than 15-years of marketing experience and worked with leading agencies including Dentsu China before starting her own company. |
Michael LiuManaging Director, CIL Group & CEO, OSforce Ltd. Michael Liu, is the Managing Director of the CIL Group and CEO of OSforce Ltd., with headquarters for both companies in Shanghai, China. CIL Group that has two major business areas – financial, investment and wealth management services to High Net Worth Chinese Individuals. OSForce provides commercial digital solutions and open source software development and management to Chinese and international companies active in the Chinese market. |