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SME Banking Asia Summit 2017

27 March 2017 - 30 March 2017 (00:00 - 00:00)


SME Banking Asia Summit 2017
SME Banking Asia Summit 2017
Join the Foremost SME Banking Meeting Platform for Truly Unmatchable Learning & Networking Experiences through Exclusive Presentations Featuring Award-Winning SME Banking Practices and Strategies Shared by the Best-Performing Banks across South East Asia, Middle East, East Asia, and beyond

Returning to Singapore in March, 2017, SME Banking Asia Summit series will continue to place great emphasis on unsecured lending through addressing its conventional business risks characterised by lacking credit data, potentially high NPL rates, sophisticated segmenting strategies, challenging processes of products development & relationship management, as well as high operational expenses (OPEX) that are pressing senior commercial/SME Banking decision-makers determined and committed to refining benchmarkable practices to increase SME Lending rates and acquire more significant share across all fast-growing regions in Asia.

Click here for more information.

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