Asia Market Research

    The BrandZ™ Top 30 Chinese Global Brand Builders report was produced by BrandZ™ and Kantar Millward Brown in collaboration with Google. The report identifies and ranks 30 Chinese brands across nine categories based on their strength outside of China, and provides insights and recommendations for global brand building.

    Top 30 Chinese Global Brand Builders 2017

    The BrandZ™ Top 30 Chinese Global Brand Builders report was produced by BrandZ™ and Kantar Millward Brown in collaboration with Google. The report identifies and ranks 30 Chinese brands across nine categories based on their strength outside of China, and provides insights and recommendations for global brand building.

      kmb logo green 266x21

      This report was provided by Kantar Millward Brown. For more information on Kantar Millward Brown, visit their website at:

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